Johnson & Johnson – Company Profile

Johnson & Johnson – Company Profile

Johnson & Johnson – United States of America


Key Financials 2022

Total Consumer Health
Sales: $15 billion,
+2.7% vs. 2021
U.S. skin health/beauty
sales: $2.3 billion,
-4.2% vs. 2021.
International skin health/
beauty sales: $2 billion,
-5.9% vs. 2021

Key Financials 2021

JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER HEALTH SALES: $14.6 billion, +4.1% vs. 2020 U.S.: 53% of beauty sales (EST.) TOP INTERNATIONAL MARKETS: China and Japan

ESG Commitments 

Health for Humanity 2025 Goals

  • Champion global health equity 
  • Empower our employees 
  • Advance enviromental health 
  • Lead with accountability and innovation

Responsible Supply Base

Responsible Sourcing 

Supplier Engagement

DI&E Commitments

Supplier Diversity 

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors 

  • 93% independent 
  • 35.7% women 
  • 21.4% ethnically/racially diverse 

Ethics & Compliance

Human Rights

Medical Safety

  • Supporting healthcare for women
  • Improving maternal health among Black mothers
  • Ongoing medical safety excellence during COVID-19
  • Focusing on child safety
  • Promoting patient preference studies
  • Talc safety 

Information Security & Data Privacy

In 2021, in addition to ongoing programs and controls, our focus included:

  • Proactive cyber protection for our COVID-19 vaccine information
  • Increased security capabilities at critical manufacturing sites and product certifications
  • Maintaining global cybersecurity and privacy compliance
  • Maintaining awareness and vigilance among our employees

DI&E Progress Reports

2021 Health for Humanity Report