The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International call for UK animal testing ban

The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International call for UK animal testing ban

THE WHAT? The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International are reigniting their fight against animal testing and calling for an outright ban on animal testing in the UK after the government’s stealth reintroduction of the practice via legislation that aligned the UK rules with REACH post Brexit.

THE DETAILS The duo point to research that indicates that most Brits are unaware of the silent reintroduction of animal testing and there is widespread support for a full ban.

THE WHY? Chris Davis, International Sustainability, Activism and Communications Director at The Body Shop, argues, “Beauty does not need to come at the cost of animal rights – and our cruelty free products have been proving that since the 1980s. It’s an outrage that the Home Office has silently been issuing permits for animal testing, despite its clear public commitment over 25 years ago to a full ban. We and our partners started this fight against animal testing a long time ago, and our resolve is stronger than ever to see it through today.”