THE WHAT? Marks & Spencer, the renowned British retailer, has expanded the appeal of its beloved brand mascot, Percy Pig, beyond the candy aisle with an exciting new venture into beauty. In collaboration with Dr. PawPaw, known for their specialized lip care products, the company has introduced a ‘Percy pink’ tinted lip oil that captures the signature fruity scent of the popular sweets.
THE DETAILS Launched on May 10, the Percy Pig x Dr. PawPaw Tinted Lip Oil became available at M&S stores throughout the UK. This product promised not only to deliver a subtle color but also to hydrate and nourish the lips and cheeks with its natural pawpaw ingredients and the delightful essence of Percy Pig fruits.
THE WHY? This collaboration represents a strategic move by Marks & Spencer to leverage the strong brand recognition of Percy Pig in a new product category, enhancing customer engagement through innovative product development. The partnership with Dr. PawPaw also underscores a commitment to collaborating with brands that share a similar ethos regarding product quality and ethical standards.