L’Oréal, P&G and Unilever to trial ISBA’s cross-media measurement tool

L’Oréal, P&G and Unilever to trial ISBA’s cross-media measurement tool

THE WHAT? L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble and Unilever are among the first firms to trial a cross-media measurement tool that has been described as ‘revolutionary’, according to a report published by Marketing Week.

THE DETAILS Origin, as the tech has been dubbed, is designed by ISBA to help advertisers plan, track and evaluate campaigns across platforms and channels, boosting efficiency and reducing duplicated reach.

The current phase – the project’s fourth since it was conceived in 2019 – will see five advertisers trial the technology with real campaign data from TV, digital video and digital display, before a further phase with 30 advertisers informs the pilot in 2024.

THE WHY? L’Oréal has helped fund the project since the start, Marketing Week reveals, an investment that will, it hopes, pay dividends in advertising efficiencies. Gayle Noah, L’Oréal’s media Director, told Marketing Week, “Currently we’re having to use different systems to try and understand what TV plus video or TV plus some of the other digital channels is providing. And we’ve not been able to have a holistic view on it yet. I’m really hoping, although it’s still early days, that Origin is going to develop into that.”