French government wages war on retouched images with new labelling law
In a bid to promote positive body image, the French government has ushered in a new law that not only bans hyper thin models from the catwalk, but also requires that all images that have been retouched or manipulated be labelled as such, according to a report...

Campaigners question rise in use of Roche acne drug Roaccutane
Campaign group Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link has raised concerns over the increase of NHS prescriptions being issued for acne drug Roaccutane, which has been linked to suicidal thoughts, according to a report published by the BBC. Prescriptions...

Reckitt Benckiser waves goodbye to 20-year relationship with Pricewaterhouse Coopers; appoints KPMG as auditor
Reckitt Benckiser is set to end a 20-year audit contract with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, according to a report published by CCH daily. The UK-based FMCG manufacturer has appointed KPMG to take the helm from 2018, subject to shareholder approval. The move was prompted by...

Could this be the end of Anglo-Dutch? Unilever plans review of dual-center corporations
Unilever is considering bringing an end to its dual-headed legal structure, according to a report published by Bloomberg. The FMCG giant currently maintains separate corporations in the UK and Netherlands. “It has become clear to us given the dynamics around more...

EC Standing Committee votes through fragrance allergens and preservatives ban
The European Commission’s Standing Committee on Cosmetic Products has passed a proposal to ban three fragrance allergens, atranol, chlorotranol and HICC, according to a report published by Chemical Watch. Products containing the allergens will be banned from sale four...

UK Parliament to debate North East Coty factory closure
Following a successful application by local MP Ronnie Campbell, the UK Parliament has scheduled an adjournment debate to discuss the future of Coty’s Seaton Delaval plant in the North East of England, according to a report published by Chronicle Live. Coty announced...