Natura &Co – Brazil
Constant-currency growth
VS. 2021: +0.4%
ESG Commitments
Address the Climate Crisis and Protect the Amazon
- Net Zero GHG emissions
- Protect the Amazon
- Biodiversity
Embrace Circularity and Regeneration
- Full Packaging Circularity
- Formula Circularity
- Regeneration
ESG Progress Reports
DI&E Commitments
To Defend Human-Rights and be Human-Kind
- Gender balance: 50% women onboard/senior team by 2023
- Equitable pay, closing the gender gap by 2023
- Work towards 30% inclusion, in management, of under-represented groups – racial orethnic, sexual diversity and gender identity(LGBTI),socioeconomically disadvantaged, physical or mental disability
- Living wage (or above) for all by 2023
- Measurable gains for consultants/representatives and sourcing communities earnings, education, health and digital inclusion
- Increase investments in key causes by 20% to U$ 600 million (mainly in communities, breast cancer awareness, domestic violence and education)
- Promote our trusted and reliable model for the future of direct sales
- Full traceability and/or certification for critical supply chains by 2025: Palm Oil, Mica, Paper, Alcohol, Soy, Cotton
- Adopt robust Human Rights policy in line with UN Guiding Principles by 2023
DI&E Progress Reports